Peek-a-Boo Playgroup

Parktown North

Rules and Regulations 2025

ladybug ladybug
  • Lesley O'Brien
  • Headmistress / Owner
  • 082 704 1451
  • 33a, 5th Avenue,
    Parktown North


Where the emphasis is on "play" and "fun" and our passion is all about children


School starts at 7.30am Monday to Friday and finishes at 12.20 pm (we also have an aftercare which is open until 1.30pm). Please ensure your child arrives between 7.30am and 8.15am, allowing us “free play” and “settling in time” together. Peek-a-Boo follows the private school terms. Please see 2024 term dates and half-term dates below.

Our term and half term dates TO BE DIARISED for 2025 are:
First Term : Wed 15 Jan – Fri 04 Apr
Half Term : Thu 20 Feb – Tue 25 Feb
Second Term : Tue 6 May – Fri 8 Aug
Half term : Fri 27 Jun – Mon 7 Jul
Third Term : Wed 03 Sep – Wed 03 Dec
Half term : Thu 16 Oct – Tue 21 Oct
Public Holidays : Fri 21 Mar, Mon 16 Jun, Wed 24 Sep

Our security guard/maintenance man/gardener, employed from 7.30am Monday to Friday, is armed with a panic button linked into ADT’s control room. He will be watching out for the safety of the children, parents and cars. He is there to try and slow the traffic down, not to stop the traffic. There is heavy traffic along 5th Avenue in the mornings so please parents, manoeuvre your children in and out of the car ON THE PAVEMENT SIDE OF THE ROAD. Please do not ask our security guard to bring your child to the schoolroom, as his presence in 5th Avenue during drop off and collection times is imperative. Peek-a-Boo staff will man the gates should he be absent.

The gate will be open for drop off from 7.30am and will close at 8.15am. Thereafter the gates will be locked and the driveway alarm set, ensuring the safety of the children. Between 8.15am and 12.20pm the gate will not be opened for any late arrivals so please do not ring the bell to be let in after 8.15am and before 12.20pm. It would be wise therefore to keep appointments for your child to after school hours.


We are a registered playgroup and the Health Department require a copy of your child’s updated Inoculation Form for us to keep on file.


Avaliable in downloadable Rules and Regulations or given on request.


If your child is absent, please telephone us between 07h30 and 08h30. If your child has a contagious illness, including a cough or heavy cold, please keep him/her at home. Children with illnesses such as gastric-enteritis, chicken pox or skin infections such as lice or ringworm or any suspicious looking rashes cannot be readmitted to the school without a medical certificate. Please do not send your child to school if you are worried about him/her developing a temperature or relapsing with an illness. See Illness Policy 2024 attached hereto.


Please only allow your little one to bring a toy that is relevant to the weekly theme. We do, however, encourage the children to bring one of their special books to be read at story time and then the book is placed back in the child’s bag after story time.


Peek-a-Boo will provide a mid-morning snack for the children. The snack will be healthy sandwiches, seasonal fruits and on occasion noodles, sausages, yoghurt or other food varieties. Peek-a-Boo has a nut free policy. Please refer to downloadable Rules and Regulations for more information.


Please mark the suitcase or backpack with your child’s name; a motif stuck on the case helps your child identify his/her own suitcase. Please mark all clothing such as hats, socks, vests, underwear, tracksuit tops, shoes, bottles, dummies, etc. with a laundry marker. We are not responsible for clothing or belongings being lost or mislaid, so please make sure they are marked with your child’s name.

In the suitcase there should be a spare set of clothes, three disposable nappies, wipes and cream, if not toilet trained. Please send your child to school in play clothes and not party clothes, especially on a Wednesday (messy painting).


We work to simple weekly themes (e.g. colours, shapes, fruit, etc) at the beginning of the year. As the year progresses, the themes become more advanced. We would like the children to participate in the themes as best they can. An item relating to our weekly theme can be brought for ‘show and tell’. The ‘Theme for the Week’ will be posted on our WhatsApp group.

Your child will be bringing home drawings and items pertaining to the weekly theme,that he/she has done himself/herself after they have settled into the term. Please be enthusiastic about them even though they may seem just like squiggles or non-items to you! To your child it is a very big achievement.

As the year progresses, you will see a marked development in your child’s work. Please do not expect works of art. There is no value whatsoever in a project that is done almost entirely by the teacher. The projects that we do will be simple ones that will allow the fullest possible participation by the child. Your child will be learning and developing through their play and their interaction with the teachers and their peers.


It needs to be emphasized that there is no pressure on parents to enroll their child in any of the extra mural activities. Extra mural activities, which we offer during school hours, are kiddies Yoga (excellent coping skills and calming techniques) and Playball. Yoga will be on a Monday morning and Playball on a Thursday morning. Parents are most welcome to watch these activities. The extra murals will start in February once the children have settled. More information about the extra mural activities will be sent out by the vendors when school starts.


Please do not rush your child/ren to nursery school until ready in age. The correct age for the child to attend nursery school is the year the child turns 4 years. By moving your child after one year in the ‘littlie’ group at Peek-a-Boo to a nursery school, the child again becomes the ‘baby’ at the nursery school. There is huge merit and indeed an important part of a child’s development to feel a sense of importance and self-worth by becoming a ‘biggie’. They are given small responsibilities and perform little duties, tasks and errands with great pride.
These children turn 3 the year they are with us. In the class room of the older children there is structure even to our ‘free play’. The children are supervised and are encouraged to perform a mind stimulating activity of their choice as they arrive in the morning. We work on their cutting skills, their auditory memory, concentration, pencil control, fine motor coordination, gross motor coordination, speech, socializing skills and many other necessary skills so that they have the confidence and self-esteem to enter the structured nursery school system. So yes, we do properly prepare these little ones for the nursery school system and feedback we receive from nursery schools is that they love teaching Peek-a-Boo children as they are independent, confident and very ‘ready’ for the extra challenges of nursery school.
These children turn 2 the year they join Peek-a-Boo. The ‘littlie’ group involves a lot of teaching of socializing skills through encouragement, nurturing, praise and fun. Helping the little ones to conquer separation anxiety and to feel secure is an important challenge for the teachers. Sharing, caring and kindness is our motto!

From the start we at Peek-a-Boo target the child’s emotional intelligence (EQ). Our belief is that if their EQ is in place and stable, the cognitive side of the child’s development is a natural process for the child to grasp.

The equipment in each schoolroom is age appropriate but some of it can be challenging for the child/ren – again targeting the child’s self-esteem and confidence level. We teach the children to achieve for themselves, not for the teachers or their friends. We work with a lot of positive praise (when due).

So please allow your child the extra year with us, after which they will leave with a good self-image, a sense of self-importance, confidence, a good feeling in their subconscious about the word ‘school’ and generally at an age and stage where they will be ready and confident to tackle (physically, emotionally and mentally) the more formal nursery school scenario.

Parents, although we consider our learning structure at Peek-a-Boo to be semi-formal, PLEASE remember THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING THROUGH PLAY. Do not rush your little one through milestones of learning for which they are not ready. Each ‘stage’ of a child’s development is important that it be explored thoroughly and not rushed through.


Reports will be given for the children leaving the older group for nursery school. Only if your child has been with us for a minimum period of 4 months and has attended playgroup on a regular basis, will you receive an end of year report on your child’s progress and development.


Please keep the mornings before school relaxed for your child. If you are tense or rushing or worried about leaving him/her, your child will react accordingly. Always say goodbye to your child and reassure him/her with the remark that you will be back for him/her later, and then leave. Do not prolong the departure. Please trust us enough to know that we will not allow your child to become unduly distressed and will phone you should there be a problem or your child has not settled for the morning.


All children enjoy celebrating their birthdays at school. It is usual for a child celebrating a birthday to book a date for his/her party at school and to supply cup cakes for their classmates to participate (due to COVID regulations at the moment, this arrangement needs to be discussed first with myself). Parents and/or relatives and/or friends are most welcome to join the birthday ring, which is held on either a Tuesday or a Friday at 12 o’clock. If you would like a birthday ring for your child, please book the party day with one of the teachers.


For the safety of the children please park on the Peek-a-Boo side of the road when dropping off and collecting – do not drive up the driveway. A child must not arrive or leave without adult supervision and we must be notified of any other person collecting your child.

Should any parent have any questions or feel the need to discuss a problem concerning your child, we would like to help wherever possible. (For example we need to know if dad is away or your child has not eaten breakfast, or the family pet is ill or any other incident which may unsettle your child).

We would also appreciate any school “problems” be discussed with myself directly. Any rumours will be dealt with immediately as invariably they boomerang back to us at Peek-a-Boo. We like to keep the atmosphere at Peek-a-Boo informal and relaxed with an ‘open door’ policy, but take very seriously any concerns regarding your child.

We look forward to teaching and stimulating your child’s physical, emotional and social development through fun and play.

Enjoy your morning and relax with the knowledge that your child is happy and very well cared for. Should you need to contact Peek-a-Boo please call us on 0827041451.

We look forward to another wonderful year at Peek-a-Boo and welcome and embrace all our parents and children in 2024.

Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug